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Here I am ladies and gentlemen!
Very first episode of “How I made it” video series!
Countdown is almost there! Clock strikes – 1 guys!
It’s just 2 days left before new spicy stuff gets to the surface!
Well, well, well, three days to go guys!
Thank you all very much for being so patient!
Here I am with the official channel’s start!
Watch me introducing brand new songs for “The best of SEB 2022”
Check out my presentation of SinclaireStyle’s brand new series
Eurobet for Dj
Check out my presentation of the brand new massive release called “Eurobeat No Voice”
So happy in finding that I had a role in the brand new novel-book by Fran Garcìa:
“La embajada del diablo” (The devil’s embassy)

Here’s my speech over the new Honey Hime’s Eurobeat track: